"Joy with the music that can be produced with brass instruments" — in essence this is our motivation, why we regularly meet for rehearsals and at one occasion or another   in the context of concerts or on special occasions – perform classical and modern brass music. "We", well these are committed brass players from the region around Wetter (Ruhr), Herdecke and Hagen.


Church services

The fact that the sound of trumpets and trombones has always been linked to the proclamation of the Word of God is documented by numerous biblical passages.

The beginnings of today's usual musical accompaniment in church services lie in the revival movement of the 19th century. It was about reaching out to people in and out of the churches and awakening a living, heartfelt faith.

Talk to us if we are to set a musical exclamation point for preaching in your church, too.

Picture gallery (12)

In the years 2009-2019, this picture gallery has been developed with impressions about Church services. We cordially invite you to browse through this portfolio. Click on an image to enter the gallery mode. If you are an ambitious photographer, we would appreciate if you enrich this collection by providing your picture.